Enjoy scanning the retreats offered below.  If a title interests you, please contact me!


We hold on to a lot. Every day. If we’re not careful, what we’re holding onto can build to the point of overload. So, how do you let go? How do you step back and regroup?

This signature retreat teaches you how to put aside your daily demands to reconnect with yourself and others. It also teaches you ways to use daily, in-the-moment meditation to reduce stress and focus your attention on what matters most.

Take away:

  • An approach to integrating mindfulness and meditation into everyday life
  • An understanding of how subtle stress can lead to chronic illness
  • Tools to silence your inner critic

All retreats are followed-up with a summary of activities so you can continue benefiting by bringing mindfulness and meditation into your daily life.


Seven amazing sources of energy lay dormant between the base of your spine and the crown of your head.  You can’t see them.  No one can X-ray them.  Western medicine often dismisses them.  But don’t be fooled.  They’re there just waiting for you to bring them to life!

From the experience you’ll take away…

  • An understanding of and hands-on engagement with chakra energy
  • An exploration into what creates and takes away our energy
  • A sampling of breathing & yoga movements to unblock chakra energy
  • A self-directed chakra meditation practice
  • An antidote to stress using breathing exercises to calm, balance, cleanse & invigorate your body & mind.

All retreats are followed-up with a summary of activities so you can continue benefiting by bringing mindfulness and meditation into your daily life.


Tame Your Inner Critic:  Finding Self-Compassion

Being human comes with great joys, like when you’re greeted with the first hint of spring after a long chilly winter. Life also has its challenges – big, small and sometimes relentless. During these difficult times, we need to be able to respond to ourselves with compassion, kindness, and support. This would be easier if the person driving the constant chatter machine in our brain would just stop!

Self-compassion is a learned practice which teaches us to become a good friend to ourselves when we need it most.  Come for a day of highly interactive learning and…

  • start short circuiting habitual negative thought patterns by learning how to carve out new neural pathways;
  • discover how practicing self-kindness can increase your physical & emotional well being;
  • become more resilient when faced with stressful life events;
  • stop believing only you live with an inner critic.

Unlike self-esteem which frequently depends on external reinforcement and rewards, self-compassion is an inside job. One where we, for a change, have 100% control.  

All retreats are followed-up with a summary of activities so you can continue benefiting by bringing mindfulness and self-compassion into your daily life.


Did you know…according to some sources, five-year-olds use 80% of their creative potential. But by age 12, our creative potential has declined to about 2%!

This retreat gives you permission to go ahead and have some fun. To once again act like a kid and get creative.

From the experience you’ll take away…

  • A refreshed sense of play, awe and wonder
  • Ways to break loose from your comfort zone
  • Three playful meditation practices

All retreats are followed-up with a summary of activities so you can continue benefiting by bringing mindfulness and meditation into your daily life.


A New Dawn: Journey From Grief is an interactive, experiential, engaging experience using Mindfulness and Meditation as foundational tools.

“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the present without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).” ~ James Baraz  

This retreat is intended for anyone who is living with grief, whether over the loss of a parent, child, spouse, job, marriage, or any other loss holding them back from living a full life.

The death of my daughter six days before her 27th birthday sent me on a journey no one wants to travel.  Mindfulness and meditation practices along with other initial strategies to simply cope, gradually moved me from surviving to living again and appreciating the gift of each day.  Each of us deserves a pathway for living into Maya Angelou’s words:

 “This is a wonderful day.  I have never seen this one before.”  

Take Away: 

  • Strategies for transitioning through loss
  • Hands-on practice using mindfulness & meditation as healing tools 
  • A loving kindness meditation practice
  • A connection to others on the path to living life more fully

All retreats are followed-up with a summary of activities so you can continue bringing helpful strategies  into your daily life.



Meeting in a lovely New England retreat center, participants step back, relax and practice mindfulness and meditation for everyday living.  These practices easily integrate into your busy life.  

Using a unique, interactive, discovery-based approach to learning, this retreat is designed to create a memorable group experience while attending to the individual needs and personal journey of each participant.

As a result of your spiritual spa experience, you’ll leave refreshed with:

  • A layered framework for connecting your body to your mind to your soul;
  • Seven spiritual laws of success to consider in daily living;
  • An approach for tapping into ever-present internal and external energy sources;
  • Alternative meditations to meet you where you are on any given day;
  • A follow-up written summary of key retreat teachings.

This retreat is held in the Guest House Retreat Center in Cromwell, Connecticut.  Below are some images from this beautiful Venue ~