There are so many resources available on meditation, mindfulness, stress management, and all the related areas, it can be overwhelming. What I list here are those which I’ve found practical for busy people, educational for professionals, and spiritually interesting. While much of my time now is spent learning about and teaching mindfulness meditation practices, I spent the majority of my career in leadership development. This list blends both worlds which I believe have significant overlap.

You’ll note a variety of mediums (Books, YouTube recordings, TedTalks, Websites, etc.). I’ll be adding to it all the time as I’m always listening to speakers who have been recommended to me and falling across websites which have a treasure trove of wonderful “stuff.” So many resources, so little time! Just have fun picking and choosing and by all means share others on my Blog page!


This online MBSR training course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is modeled on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn. If you’re very disciplined and looking for an 8-week online mindfulness experience with videos, articles, and worksheets, this is a great resource. Even if you don’t go through the whole program, you can still benefit from the of the meditations on an ad hoc basis.  I have the individual meditation URLs copied into the “notes” area of my iPhone and go to them as needed. Here I’ve included links to the entire program as well as two of the meditations.

Selected Meditations from Program:

Body Scan

Sitting Meditation

Insight Timer is rated as the top free meditation app on the android and iOS stores. My primary use for this app is its timer. I can set it to any length of time then begin with a peaceful beginning and ending bell.


This was my “go to” for resources when I managed the learning & leadership development department.  MindTools draws together some of the best practical material & tools I’ve ever seen on the professional development front.  While it is a subscription resource, there are many free resources.

I can’t remember how many years ago I was given Deepak Chopra’s book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.  I never read it.  When I went for my meditation certification, this later version which included Yoga, was one of the many required books I had to read (and was tested on…).  I have found so much value in the different parts of this book.  It doesn’t need to be a linear read.   I started with Chapter 4, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga.  We usually think of yoga as movement, but here’s where you’ll learn a much broader understanding.  It’s my ‘go to’ book as I focus on one law each day.  


When I began yoga I wanted to do my routine first thing in the morning from my home before work.  I found the free website “Do Yoga With Me” and it was exactly what I needed.  You can customize to your needs by selecting the level of difficulty, length of routine, style of yoga and teacher.

Tara Brach was the first website I used when I was searching for free guided meditations.  I have since listened to many of her podcasts and find her an informed voice which blends a Western approach with spiritual practices of the Eastern culture.  She is all about compassion for self and the world around us.


I overheard a conversation mentioning Krista Tippett.  So, like I do all new names, I googled “YouTube Krista Tippett.”  I began listening to her interviews and was instantly engaged in the diversity of subjects – poets, theologians, physicists, etc. and the wonderful way Krista pulled out insights from these fascinating people.  “On Being” is described as: “…a Peabody Award-winning public radio conversation and podcast, a Webby Award-winning website and online exploration, a publisher and public event convener.” Based on Krista Tippett’s knowledge of those she interviews, she must be speed reader par excellence.  I love listening to her podcasts on my early morning walks.

Emotional Intelligence or EI is referred to as the ability to recognize, evaluate and regulate your own emotions, emotions of those around you and groups of people.  This is an easy to use book with many helpful strategies for each area of EI.  According to The Dalai Lama:
“What distinguishes human beings is that we are capable of positive change. This book succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way.”




And for you ladies who ever doubt yourselves…

One program I’ve taught on the corporate side is Building Self-Confidence.  I always show this TedTalk by Amy Cuddy as I think it speaks volumes.  She says “If you feel like you shouldn’t be somewhere, Fake it:  Do it not until you make it — but until you become it.”  I love it and apparently others do with 41,362,513 hits and counting…

Several years ago I was sitting next to a stranger while watching some “just for fun” tennis matches. We struck up a conversation and had an instant connection. A few weeks later, Paula D’Arcy’s book The Gift of the Red Bird arrived at my house with the note from my new friend: “Karen ~ my hope is that Paula D’Arcy’s words will mean as much to you and your life’s journey as they have to mine.”  Her words and the book  deeply moved me then and it was the first book I read again after my daughter passed away. I was introduced to the wonderful writings of Richard Rohr a couple of years ago by a favorite pastor of mine. When my sister told me she’d heard them speak together, I instantly googled it and came up with this recording. A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life is good on so many levels.