COACHING: Charting the path forward



“Karen has inspired me to pursue my goals with hard work and determination” 

– Anna, Professional & Mother

If you have somewhere between 50 and 70 thousand thoughts whizzing through your head every day, how do you know which ones are moving you forward and which ones are holding you back?

Using a unique, brain-based coaching method, I help you make sense of the chaos so you can achieve your desired results – even when you’re not quite sure where you want to go.

My approach is process-focused and outcome-driven. Through coaching, you’ll create clear strategies and realistic action steps. Most importantly, I’ll help you set – and realize – inspiring goals for your personal life or your career.

Coaching Options

Listed below are some coaching options to get you moving in the right direction.  I decided to use a baseball metaphor as it just seemed so applicable to the forward progress of coaching. So…Let’s play ball!

Batting Practice – 1 session
30 minutes
This brief, get-to-know-you session is intended to help you decide if coaching, and my approach in particular, is for you. I’ll clarify what coaching is and is not, and discuss potential outcomes you’re interested in achieving from coaching. At the conclusion, you can decide if working together will meet your needs and expectations.

Single Play – 1 Session
90 minutes
Use this session to explore an issue you’re grappling with or a goal you’d like to achieve. You’ll gain insights on how to move forward and develop a realistic action plan to get yourself started.

Double Play – 6 sessions
Week 1: 90 minutes
Weeks 2-6: 60 minutes each

Triple Play – 9 sessions
Week 1: 90 minutes
Weeks 2-9: 60 minutes each

Home Run – 12 sessions
Week 1: 90 minutes
Weeks 2-12: 60 minutes each

Use these extended coaching engagements to:

Establish Stretch Goals: Depending on the engagement, chose from one to three measurable goals. These are typically bigger and more inspiring than the goals you might normally set for yourself.

Develop a Plan: Your action plan will be concrete and progressive, with each step designed to lay the foundation for future success.

Work the Plan: The coaching process helps keep you accountable. It also helps you develop valuable insights and to deal with the challenges that will inevitably arise as you progress towards your goals.

Acknowledge Yourself: Reviewing your journey and celebrating your achievement is an important part of realizing a goal, but it’s often overlooked. With coaching, we round out the engagement with a structured review of where you came from, what you achieved, and what you learned along the way.